Police Officers & First Responders 
Law enforcement officers and first responders routinely encounter extraordinary situations that are outside of the emotional experiences most of us will ever see. Repeated exposure to extreme circumstances can create a toxic soup of pent-up emotions that require professional help to work through.
That’s where I come in!
Because of the unique training and experiences associated with the law enforcement culture, the men and women who wear the badge require specialist who has had the same training and experiences.
That’s where I come in!
I graduated from the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in 1979 and spent 12 years in law enforcement. To this day I remain a police instructor and a law enforcement consultant.
In my teens I was volunteer fireman too!
I meld together my training and experience from police work with my Ph.D. in clinical psychology to provide the best treatment possible.
My Message to You -
If you or someone you know have experienced a traumatic event and feel like there is a need to talk to someone about it please do not hesitate to ask for help. Do yourself and your family a favor and get some help immediately.
Hypnotherapy -
Hypnosis and its younger sister, Self-Hypnosis, are 2 of the most powerful TOOLS FOR CHANGE to date !!!
Be sure that you want to change before you search out a certified Hypnotherapist, because CHANGE YOU WILL !! The Hypnotherapist, by quieting your Conscious Mind, is able to access the most POWERFUL CHANGE MECHANISM you have--- Your Subconscious Mind !! Ever wonder why you haven't been able to lose those "last 10 pounds" or to stop smoking, on your own ?? Your Conscious Mind may have sabotaged the change you were trying to make !!
Change occurs in the Subconscious Mind, and HYPNOSIS allows your Hypnotherapist to access your most FERTILE CHANGE AGENT, your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND !!! By helping you to relax your Conscious Mind to the point that your Subconscious Mind can come forward !!! Your Subconscious mind is like a child, always open and ready to play and to experience change.
CHANGE is your Subconscious Mind's best friend !! And so, the next time you start to beat yourself up about not losing those last 10 pounds, or whatever change you have not accomplished as quickly as you wanted, remember what you have learned here.
CHANGE OCCURS IN THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. If you have tried to make dramatic life changes in a conscious state (and therefore operating in your Conscious Mind), and failed....what a surprise !!!!
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